
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

All You Need To Know About Electric Skateboard and Longboard

Electric is the Future - Where we are now?
Electric Skateboards, Electric Scooters, Hoverboards. Electric tech is in many people’s homes already. It’s becoming more affordable, better quality and overall better tech!

Improving all the time
Technology is moving at an unprecedented rate. We’re not just talking about the LHC or space travel. We’re talking about in our homes, in our pockets, under our feet. Its accessible to everyone everywhere. 

Electric skateboard
There’s work being done on graphite based batteries which charge in minutes and last hours like a capacitor. Will we see this in our homes soon? Who’s to say, but were heading in the right direction. The same batteries that are in your laptop can now power an electric skateboard, electric cars and even people’s homes. 

Motors, Leaps and Bounds!
Motors have progressed hugely. Smaller more compact motors with greater torque and efficiency. Torque, it’s all about torque. Electric motors have enormous torque. Slick Revolutions electric skateboard range has a 3:1 ratio drive belt. Meaning for every turn of the motor, the wheel turns 3 times. This is the golden ratio of speed and torque for our Electric skateboards. 

Wireless Control

Wireless RC control has been around for years. People lost their minds when the Wii came out and you could control things wireless in your home. The price of wireless connectivity, namely Bluetooth has progressed in to the electric skateboard. No more wires and no more expense. 

Where next?
Slick Revolution are working on a board which integrates the battery in to the Deck. No more battery pack? Sounds nice! We’re also working on integrating the motor in to the wheel so that’s hidden too. One day well have a board where you can’t even tell its powered. It’s not too far away either. We’ll keep you posted.


  1. It would require the user to mount the controller box and battery box to the deck themselves. I will look for more of such informative posts about Electric skateboards from your side.
    I think a conversion unit will be offered in the future. It would require the user to mount the controller box and battery box to the deck themselves.

  2. Your ratio explanation is backwards. For every turn of the motor, the wheel turns 1/3 of a turn. The way you wrote it, your skateboard would travel at more than 150mph!!!

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